No zábava preveliká, hlavne keď odchádza napr. nasratý kolega :-). Ideálne použiť nástroj typu PST Walker, bohužiaľ, platená to vec.
Tak som to sfúkol nasledovne:
Make a duplicate copy of Outlook PST file.
Open Hex Editor (Download Hex Editor).
Open PST file with Hex Editor from which you want to recover emails.
Delete the position 7 through 13 with the space bar. In the Hexadecimal system, this process actually deletes 13 characters at the following positions:
00007, 00008, 00009, 0000a, 0000b, 0000c, 0000d, 0000e, 0000f, 00010, 00011, 00012, 00013.
(When you clear a position using spacebar, the editor displays the value “20” each time.)
Select the value start from 07 to next 13 values. Go to » Edit » File Selection » Ok
This action will replace all values to 00.
After clearing these positions, save PST file. Now, you have corrupted PST file.
Run scanpst.exe tool.
Browse corrupt PST file and scan.
Repair PST.
Now open PST file and check deleted items.
A že aký to editor použiť ?
Ja som skúsil wxHexEditor.
Popravde, keď som porovnal výsledky z PST Walkera a ScanPSt, videl som, že niektoré maily tam nie su.
Ale ruku na srdce, kde vziať a nekradnúť ? 🙂